Kids Own Early Childhood Learning Centre
4 to 6 years
The Kindergarten at Kids Own Early Childhood Learning Centre is a Government Funded Program for up to 22 children per day. The program is run by a qualified Early Childhood Teacher who is registered with Victorian Institute of Teaching and an assistant
teacher currently undertaking training to become a qualified Early Childhood Teacher who will be registered with Victorian Institute of Teaching .
The Program operates Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8.30am-4.00pm
During Victorian school terms. Children enrolled in sessional Kindergarten do not attend during school holiday periods. However, holiday care is available for families if required.
Each child needs to be booked in for min 2 days (15 hours) a week to access the funded Kindergarten program. Families requiring care before and or after session times are required to enroll in the Long day Care Program of the Centre. (Please speak to
us regarding your family’s individual enrolment needs)
Please do not send toys, jewellery or any other treasures from home with your child as they may be at risk of being misplaced or broken. We ask that all items brought into Kids Own ECLC are clearly named.
Please do not send toys, jewellery or any other treasures from home with your child as they may be at risk of being misplaced or broken. We ask that all items brought into Kids Own ECLC are clearly named.
Please ensure that the following items are packed in your child's bag:
When enrolling your child into the program you will be asked to complete
Before enrolling in Kindergarten 2022 you will need to have made the
decision that your child will be attending school in 2023. If you are
not sure regarding this, we can organise a Parent/Educator meeting
with your child’s current Kids Own Educator and one of our
kindergarten teachers. If your child is Aboriginal or Torres Strait
Islander background, please speak to the staff about further
information regarding their Kindergarten eligibility.
Your child must turn 4 before the 30th April in the year they begin Kindergarten. Children who turn 4 after this date will be able to participate in our Pre-Kinder program. Children who turn 4 after 30th April will be enrolled into our 3-4 year old funded sessional Kindergarten program unless special circumstance apply. Children who are involved with DHS or who are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent are eligible for an additional year of kindergarten under early start funding.
Any children who have Asthma, Allergies and anaphylaxis must have an action plan completed by a doctor prior to the commencement of kindergarten. A communication plan and a risk minimisation plan will be developed and discussed with families at the time of enrolment. Any medication listed on the plan is to be placed in an insulated clearly labelled lunch box & must be at the service whenever your child attends.
Kids Own Kindergarten appreciates any help or assistance that is offered by our families. There are Special Event Days and Excursions that are organised throughout the year. These allow parents and family members to attend the Kindergarten and join in
the day’s activities. If you have a special talent that you want to share with the children, we warmly welcome your visit. If you are interested in helping in any way, please speak to the Kindergarten staff.
Progress meetings will be held at the beginning of term 3 for each
family. This is to touch base with how your child has settled in
and is progressing at kinder. If for any reason the Kindergarten
Teacher wishes to meet with you regarding your child and their
learning, she will contact you to organise a suitable time. Like
wise if you wish to have an additional meeting with the
kindergarten teacher you are welcome to request this. At Kids Own
our focus is always the strengths of all children and creating
magical learning experiences that will embed the love of learning
for life.
Over the year the Kindergarten Teacher will have observed if your
child is ready to commence school the following year. If through
observations of your child, the teacher feels your child may
benefit or be eligible for a 2nd year then a meeting will be
organised with families. Together the best direction for your
child will be discussed and goals set to assist your child in
their learning and development. In order for your child to attend
a second year they must meet the eligibility criteria. This is a
process that begins at the end of term 2.
Arrival: Kindergarten begins at
8.30am sharp it is vital you are here on time to ensure a program can begin and runs smoothly with minimal disruptions.
Departure: Kindergarten finishes at 4.00pm sharp please arrive 5 mins early so you are ready to collect your child at 4.00pm. Once you arrive please wait in the foyer and a kindergarten educator will assist you with collection of your child. Please do not enter the room early as this is disruptive
to all the children during the end of day mat time. For discussions with the kindergarten educators we request that you do call us during the day to arrange a time or leave us a note in your child’s lunch box to have a phone meeting
at a time convenient during the day. Children who are enrolled in our long day care will remain in the kindergarten room at the end of the kindergarten session.
Story Park is an online communication method used for communication between Kids Own educators and Kids Own families. While ensuring our confidentiality policy is at all times adhered to, Children’s learning and development is documented both individually
and ingroups for families to access and provide feedback. Story park also allows a clear and easy flow of communication between educators and families. Reminders and or requests are uploaded regularly and families are encouraged
to also use this online system and or contact the center should they wish to do so.
Birthday invitations or other communications to other families, please hand these directly to a teacher.
We will ensure they are placed in the correct child’s bag.
It is a Government requirement that a School Transition Statement is completed for all children who will be attending school the following year. These statements are completed by the Kindergarten Teacher in term 4. Families are then given an opportunity to have their input into the Statement and fill in the Family and Child Section. This system is online and you will be given instructions on completing this at the beginning of term 4. These will then be forwarded onto the school of your choice.
There are three options for enrolling in Kids Own Kindergarten.
Term fees are due a week in advance. You can pay this amount by
eftpos at the centre. If fees are not paid within the first 2 weeks
of term your child may not be able to attend. please speak to our
management team if you need to organise a payment plan.
who hold a
health care card will not be charged fees if enrolled in sessional kindergarten only. If your child attends Kindergarten through the Long Day Care option CCS is still applied to your fees and
will be billed weekly as usual.
Late Fees Apply after 4.00pm - All children must have a Parent or Guardian who is over the age of 18 years to pick them up at 4.00pm on any Kindergarten day unless enrolled in long day care. If you have
not collected your child at 4pm there will be a Late Fee of $5per 30 minutes. This is a strict policy due to Department Regulations relating to staff ratios. We understand that unforeseen circumstances can happen if you
are running late please call us so we can ensure we have adequate staffing.
Sahel Riazati - Kindergarten Teacher
Sahel Riazati - Kindergarten Teacher
At Kids Own we are strongly dedicated to Early Childhood Education with a passion for hands on emergent learning, focusing on each child developing and learning in a way that is suitable to their personal learning style. As a passionate early childhood
team, we pride ourselves on strong and positive interactions with the children, using the environment in innovative ways to ensure each child is able to reach their full potential.
Through the
Kindergarten Program, Kids Own endeavours to ensure each child is ready to begin their formal learning journey at school, ensuring the Kindergarten program is developed to cater for each individual’s unique learning style.
This is done in collaboration with families recognising that a child’s family is their first and most important influence.
We believe in building children’s sense of autonomy and educating them to be confident and capable
individuals and be able to construct their own learning through our play-based program.
We look forward to the year ahead and being part of your learning journey.